Closeup shot of the oranges and leaves with a white background

What Are Terpenes?

By Justin Sheehan | March 16, 2022

Terpenes are aromatic compounds that determine the smell of many plants and herbs. Examples include cannabis, cloves, lavender, fresh orange peel, pine, and sage.In their natural element, terpenes provide plants with protection from animals as well as from infectious germs. They also attract pollinators in some plants. New research also suggests that terpenes may offer…

orange citrus cleaner

Avoid Toxic Chemicals: Use Natural Alternatives

By Justin Sheehan | February 11, 2022

Many industrial cleaners contain toxic chemicals that can cause a host of diseases and ailments including cancer. In addition, an increasing number of health studies have found people who use industrial cleaners are at risk for skin and respiratory problems.  Using industrial cleaners that are non-toxic are essential to keeping employees safe today and over…

asphalt release agent truck

Winter Cleaning With Citrus King

By Justin Sheehan | January 17, 2022

It’s the winter season and because asphalt projects work best when laid down in the warmer months, the paving industry is experiencing a seasonal slowdown in paving jobs. While paving projects are in neutral, getting ready for the spring and summer months, now is the perfect time to focus on cleaning, rehabilitating and refurbishing your…